The Careist Blog

Harmful Effects Of Over Exercising

Date:MAy 21st, 2019 by Vidhi Shah & Madhureeta Bera

Physical fitness is described as a condition of health and well being or to be more accurate the capability to accomplish physical tasks of sports, occupations and everyday activities. Physical fitness is attained through a blend of appropriate diet , moderate to vigorous training with sufficient rest. Prior to the wake of industrial revolution fitness was described as the potential of a human being's body to successfully accomplish his or her daily chores without any unwanted fatigue. However with the outset of automation and development of lifestyles of human beings physical fitness is now considered as a yardstick that helps to measure the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively.

In order to procure complete physical fitness, physical training is immensely important.When a physical exercise is performed with perfect proportion of intensity duration and frequency a significant amount of development can eventuate. For steady development of the body the demand of stress on either a function or a tissue must increase perpetually over a period of time. This kind of physical training has three fundamental principles;- specificity progression and overload.

Some of the advantages of physical training are;-

1. Controlled blood pressure- Physical training helps to bring in positive effects on the body's blood pressure because staying active and exercising on a regular basis builds up a strong heart. The heart is the main organ in charge of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

2.Better immune system;- Physical training helps to uplift the immune system of our body. Regular physical training helps to augment the levels of Natural killer cells.

3. Weight control;- Individuals who engage themselves in physical training on a regular basis have more balanced distribution of body fat  which in turn helps them to maintain a proper and balanced body weight.

Physical fitness is a kind of blessing which every human being on this earth wants to earn for themselves. Fitness is not only important for better physical and medical conditions but it is also equally important to uplift the quality of lifestyle that a individual is leading. But for the sake of procuring that perfect level of fitness individuals often engage themselves in excessive physical training forgetting the limitations of their body. If you are training too hard physically then your body may begin to respond negatively. Over training syndrome is a common problem among fitness enthusiasts. This problem can exhibit itself through a variety of symptoms both physical and psychological.

Major problems that are faced by individuals suffering from Over training syndrome are;-

1-Mood changes- Depression, anger, confusion and irritability are common feelings that you go through when your body is over stressed physically. The same stress hormones secreted when we are stressed are also secreted when our body is physically overloaded.

2-Elevated resting heart rate- When we put stress on our body more than it can take the stress on our heart is increased simultaneously. As a result the heart has to work a lot more harder. An increase in normal heart rate say from 50 beats per minute to 65 beats per minute stipulate that you are putting additional stress on your body.

3-Insomnia- Being in a state of overloaded often comes with disrupted sleep patterns so instead of getting that much needed rest and sleep you become restless and can't sleep properly.

According to a recent study it is highlighted that among the many other harmful consequences excessive physical training can cause frequent cold infections and decreased immunity. So therefore it is very much important that you develop a rational and well adjusted association between your daily activities and your regular work out schedules. Firstly consult an experienced nutritionist or a physical trainer before drafting your work out schedule. Secondly try to establish a harmonious connection between your work out schedule and the other experiences, relationships and responsibilities of your life.Thirdly give your body sufficient amount of carbohydrates dietary fats and water to energize it. And lastly and most importantly give your body the necessary amount of rest and relaxation that it needs to recuperate itself from the pressure that it has gained during the period or time span of your physical training.

The main purpose of physical training is to help our body stay fit and active which in turn will help us to lead a happy fit and active life. All of us should remember this principle before engaging ourselves in physical training.So physical training with proper ratio of rest is the best gift that you could give to your self.

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